Welcome to Cultivating Balanced Solutions! I am the founder and owner, Jennifer Williams.
I created this company because I am passionate about healing and helping others figure out how to heal. After almost 18 years in the field of Social Work and Mental Health, I am well versed in the effects and the impact of chronic stress and burnout that the helping fields can have. The COVID-19 pandemic and some other significant events in my life highlighted the need to get creative about self-care and in many ways it helped to cement my journey to find new and alternative ways to take care of myself and to improve my own medical and mental health.
I believe we are all on this same journey toward wellness and being our best selves and we all need a little help and guidance along the way. We are attracted to the things that we need and that resonate with us.
I am obsessed with the brain and neuroscience and learning how our brains work. In recent years that has extended into the science of sound and music, aromatherapy, plant nutrition and alternative methods to healing trauma.
I am particularly fascinated by how many of these alternative methods have existed for thousands of years and yet are so overlooked in our modern society! All of these methods can help to reduce and improve common mental health symptoms and medical complaints related to pain, sleep and chronic stress. I had the opportunity to participate in a sound bath and a sound healing session at a music festival and I have been hooked ever since! I am now a certified sound healer in addition to being a licensed clinical social worker. I wanted to be able to incorporate all of the benefits of sound healing within my own practice.
Healing doesn’t have to happen one way or another. It can be when you want and how you want. Let’s not limit ourselves to one kind of healing modality. Let’s offer many choices so that someone can choose the ones that most resonate with them. This is my own personal philosophy about healing. I am not one type of therapist, but I do believe that compassion and self-acceptance have be at the center stage of healing.
“The body is held together by sound. The presence of disease indicates that some of the sounds have gone out of tune“
~ Deepak Chopra
“The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect.”
~ Brene Brown